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Re: [SilverStreak] Three water valves? Explanation!

This is a very good question and I can answer it for you.  I  have a 1977 SS 
and have the same configuration.
The middle valve is simply a low point cold water drain  line for winterizing 
and this also applies to the right valve  in the compartment for hot water 
drain. These are only opened when you are  winterizing the trailer and 
eliminating all water from the system.  Of  course, you can open them briefly if you 
want to drain possible sediment out of  the pipes periodically.
The left valve (closed) bypasses the on board  water pump and tank from the 
trailer water system if you are hooked up to  city water.  When this valve is 
(opened), it will allow  water to flow freely into the pipes to pressurize the 
trailer from the pump. In  other words, this valve will only be opened if you 
are using water from your  tank without city water hook ups because it allows 
water to pressurize from the  cold water side to the trailer from the pump.  
There were originally check  valves in the lower city water inlet that 
prevented water from coming out when  the pump system was used.  I now use a cap that 
screws into the bottom  which holds the water tight while using the demand 
Keep in mind that these trailers originally had pressurized onboard water  
systems that relied on an air pump to pressurize the water tank.  While dry  
camping, this allowed the water to flow from the system when a valve was opened  
for water.  Originally, the tanks were used with the city water system and  
water would fill the tank and 
would be used from the tank even with city water.  Through  the years, many 
have converted to the demand
pump which simply draws water from the fresh water tank when a valve  is 
opened. This is not a pressurized system now by using a demand pump. Since  this 
is the case, there is a need to bypass the water system when hooked to city  
water. Some of the earlier trailers have been modified and a cut off valve has  
been added to bypass the tank/pump system when connected to city water. I  
labeled my connections in the compartment above the lines so I do not have to  
think too hard each year while winterizing!