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RE: [SilverStreak] Vintage Trailer Information

I know that few of you know who I am - I'm new to this vintage trailer thing with 
a '58 SS Jet that I bought around a month ago (off of Tom Patterson's site, 
none-the-less). I'm a 'customer' of Juergens. I only have 1 cd, but will be buying 
the set soon. I, too, have been in touch with Juergen (since buying from him) and 
he's certainly one of the good guys! When I bought the CD, he included his entire 
Silver Streak file that had a bunch of info I couldn't find anywhere else.

So, for what it's worth - if you have a CD drive, it's WELL worth just going for it 
and buying the whole set. However, if you're like me and in the middle of a restore, 
you'll really be torn apart trying to decide if you want to browse the CD's or work 
on the trailer! :-)

Thanks, and I apologize, too, for sounding like an advertisement!

Steve Slaight