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RE: [SilverStreak] Electronic Jack

Thanks so much to Ros, Al & Bill for being so generous with advice
concerning the jack that went out on us. We store the trailer about 60 miles
away from us so unfortunately the manual is not here. We're headed out to
get it tomorrow. I can't recall what brand of jack it is, but I know it is
not REESE. It's something else that just won't come to me right now... I
have a feeling that whatever the problem is, it is pretty serious because
when we tried to get it going it started smoking. We probably shouldn't have
tried a second time, but as luck would have it, it was 20 minutes before
checkout time at the campground and our truck was blocking traffic so we
were a bit panicked. I am going to suggest to my husband that we find a good
machine shop. If that doesn't work I may let my brother play with it after
reading the advice that I rec'd from you all. He's an electrical engineer so
he'll understand what has gone way over my head :)

I feel so fortunate to have stumbled on to such a wonderful resource and
such a nice group of people. 

Thanks once again to everyone that assisted me! 

Let me know if anyone needs copies of anything from the '79 user manual. The
original owner kept everything!! I'm going to attempt scanning it into a PDF
file so I may be able to email it. 

I'm not technically adept, but I am happy to return the favor.
