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[SilverStreak] Just checking in

Hi to everybody.  We're Carl and JoAnn Rodgers and we live in Post Falls,
Idaho.  We have had our 77 SS
since 2-19-99.  We had owned 3 Airstreams and had gone to Seattle to look for
another when we noticed this SS
on a Sales lot in Moses Lake, Wa.  Luckily for us you could see the lot from
the freeway.
We looked at it and were quite intrigued by it but decided to go to Seattle
and look at
Airstreams .  We looked at several Streams but kept thinking about this SS in
Moses Lake.
We stopped on the way back and made an offer on it which was accepted.  The SS
was in
good overall condition but needed TLC and was very dated inside.  Since we've
owned it we remodeled it
Twice because She who must be obeyed (wife) was not satisfied.  It looks good
now.  This summer we took
out the carpeting that was in it and put in Vinyl, which is much more
practical with two pooches.
Since we've had our SS we've pulled it to Key West Fl and back thru the south
east and southwest and then home.
We've also made two other trips to the southwest and numerous ones to Canada.
We've put in two fantastic fans
a new 2 way fridge and an electric element for the waterheater.  We also
received 4 new Goodyear tires as the ones that were on when we bought it had
been subject to recall.  We love our SilverStreak and fully intend to use it
until we can't
Travel anymore.  If you plan on coming through our area with your SilverStreak
let us know any Streaker is welcome
to park in my driveway  (you too Tom and any other silverline owners).
                                 Carl and JoAnn Rodgers