Subject: Re: [a/s] Can anyone identify this?
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 10:14:16 -0700
From: "DHorn" <>


I'm beginning to think I just happened across some brief mention about the Silver Streak somewhere, because I can't seem to track it down among my bookmarks. I'll keep an eye out for Silver Streak info, and post anything I might run across.

I did find the following, on Airstream Central's Tech Info page ( You might want to go to that page and email the Johnsons to see what they may have found out.


Subject: Silver Streak E-mail the Johnsons

Greetings, if i posted this message already forgive me for repeating it again, i can't really remember because i am posting the same message every where. But i am searching to get information on the silver streak, how come airstream stoped making them in 1996 and what are the ins and outs on this
TT. if i can i would like to know if there is anything on the net written about them, thanks the johnsons.

Subject: Re:Silver Streak Airstream never did make the Silver Streak. The Silver Streak, like many aluminum shelled trailer's were competitors that either started independently or by former employees of Airstream to compete in that market. Because Airstream had large corporate backing during the
critical times of the energy crisis of the early 70's they were able to survive when all the rest went by the wayside. Avion and Silver Streak lasted the longest. Avion sold out to Fleetwood, but Fleetwood stopped building the aluminum coaches and applied the name to a fiberglass Fifth wheel. Silver Streak survived with no dealer network by building custom coaches for a very faithful group of owners. I have not searched the web for Silver Streak. That's part of the fun. Go to a search engine like alta vista and do a word search. It's amazing what you can find

> I would be VERY interested in reading the history of the Silver Streak if the
> URL can be located. Thank you. -Jean

>> I've been saving photos of Airstreams as I find them on the web. Attached is
>> one of a '47 Silver Streak that was in the vintage area of a rally.
>> Unfortunately I have no record of whose it is, or whose web site it came
>> from. It looks pretty much the same as the one in question.

>> I believe there is a history of the Sliver Streak out there on one of the
>> links from or Airstream Central.