From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [a/s] Synthetic Oil in a Diesel
Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 3:40 PM

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!! Mobile One Oil is the BEST thing you could do for your
engine, bar none. I have used it (& my 3 sons) in our Honda's for over 5
years, and the engine wear has been minimal, and along with cleaner exhaust,
th air-filter and oil filters change cleaner, and the mileage has INCREASED
6-7 MPG (this is in an engine that's already getting 30 to 34 mpg
already...but I would think in a bigger block, that you could increase it by
at least 2 mpg! I use the 'blue cap' (indicates the weight)..5W-30 ('red'
is thicker)
P.S. This is also the feeling of the BOBBY RAHAL RACING TEAM (Form.1) and
that I happen to know PERSONALLY when I met them at the Vancouver British
Columbia Molson-Indy 500 race in September 1997. Plus Mobile says the Penske
team also uses it exclusively !!!! I hope I've been of help. 1st BEAR's
(1982-31ft. Excella) owner, CAT (
I'M SORRY, I'M BLONDE...YOU'RE TALKING DIESEL!!! well, I'd check further,
but my above comments/opinions still apply for all other engines. (Why not
call Mobile - 1-800-ASK-MOBILE. (now what to you all think of blondes...just
show me that respect on the road when you see me). CAT