Subject: Re: [a/s] overwhelmed by 2 now
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 13:18:49 -0500
From: Sugar <>

Hi Dan,
I am not starting out without a lot of stuff, but I am investing in the titanium camping cookware. It is super lightweight, packs inside of each other, durable, and excellent heat conductor for even heating. You don't have to go that expensive, there are many quality stainless camping cooking kits that save space too. Check out the camping stores, such as REI, Blue Ridge, or for mail order deals, CAMPMOR. I also bought a little item that fits into a pot of water, and you use oven bags to bake anything you want on top of the stove. Best of all, you don't have to wash up! There is also a kit you can buy that has all the kitchen utensils you will need, and all of it packs into one neat container that has small containers for spices etc. I buy all my spices bulk, so I don't have to buy more than I want at any one time anyway. You can even buy a smidgen of stuff you don't use often this way. As for storage of some food stuffs, Tupperware has a picnic kit you can buy that has lots of leak proof
containers that all pack into one neat small space. Just to keep a little something nice around for enertaining, I have a demitasse, tea/coffee set, which takes up very little room, a small hand coffee grinder, and I am all set!

> Dan Burwinkel wrote:
> > What we need to know is this; we plan to live full-time in our
> > 'Stream, what kind of kitchenware do you all use? Everything we
> > have (fine china, Falsgraff, cast-iron, and huge stainless cookware)
> > is too bulky or delicate to survive trailer life! We plan to have a
> > yard sale in the spring and need to know what to get rid of.