Subject: Re: [a/s] Re: [airstream] Camel patches now slime
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 23:28:11 -0500
From: "Dan Burwinkel" <>


Try a bicycle shop or tractor supply. If this doesn't work, e-mail me direct and I'll send you some. It costs about $7 for an 8 ounce container. Some tractor supplies just carry 55gallon drums of the stuff for service work. Many bicycle shops in Cactus Country carry it in 5gal. containers. If you took your Toad to such a shop, I'm sure they'd pump some in for much less than they charge for the little bottles!


>Question now arising: where do you get this stuff? Having the afore-described
>leaky tire on my toad, I yesterday sent Susi to the Checker auto parts store in
>search of Slime. She drew a blank, nobody had heard of such a product. Help?
>Susi and John Burchard
>Tepe Gawra Salukis