Subject: Re: [airstream] Let's talk about tires....
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:07:23 -0500
From: "Peter K. Kaiser"

All this talk about tires makes me think about balancing tires. A friend of mine who owns a 1976 Argosy had a special kind of tire balancing done when he replaced his tires.

Rather than lead weights attached to the rims, a sand like substance was injected into the tubeless tire through the air valve. Apparently this sand like substance goes to exactly the right places to give a balanced wheel. I don't understand how it works. But the information I saw was that truckers
know about this stuff and use it. Also it is supposed to be popular with motorcyclists.

Does anyone know what I am talking about and do they have any better information that I have? My friend said that his trailer towed better with the new tires and this type of balancing. But, of course, it is possible that he experienced improvement just because of the new tires. He had them installed on his trailer in a shop that specializes in truck tires.


Peter K. Kaiser
Thornhill, Ontario