Subject: [airstream] OPC valves
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 98 19:21:59 -0700
From: Roy Lashway

Some time back Charlie had a good message about the OPC valves, etc. I stopped at our local/regional propane distributor today and they had two different types of valves on hand for 20 lb tanks but said none are yet available for under or over the 20šs. Valves also require a hose adaptor. Their sales cost was $25.00 plus $7.00 for adaptor. They confirmed that purging takes about an hour and grimaced when I asked about the maintenance and would only comment that they are more troublesome.

I inquired about certification and they said they have no knowledge Oct, 1998 requirements restricting recertification and are in fact doing it regularly. Kind of confirms Charliešs comments about the word not getting out.
