Subject: Re: [a/s] Fantastic Fan vs. Turbo/Maxx
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:36:44 -0600
From: "Not Bright - Not Right - JW" <>

Cee-O All,

Hey, quick note.

Not too long ago, Donald Kribbs mentioned that the makers of the Fantastic Fan, which by the way - I have heard absolutely ONLY Fantastic (no pun intended!<LOL>) things about. But back to what Donald had mentioned. He stated that SOMETIME this year - the makers of the Fantastic Fan are
introducing one that won't need to close when it rains. Making the Fan with the Rain Guard option obsolete.

We are wanting THIS Fantastic Fan in out 1984 31' Classic Motorhome & our '65 Caravel. And when we finish the interior restorations we will install them in our '61Tradewind and our '64 Safari Land Yacht. But we're gonna wait for the introduction of this new model to purchase them.

If I get a chance, I'll call Fantastic Fan (or MAYBE Camping World will know) and get an idea when the planned release is. Should be pretty easy to tell when it's getting close to release - Camping World and like companies will probably start offering the Fan with the NOW optional rain guard and
'special' prices - so they can get rid of their current inventory.
