Subject: [airstream] Wild Waterworks
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 19:16:18 -0800
From: "Jon Darling"

This post is about my solution to the problem of running out of water while camped for longer
periods. Filling the tank usually means moving the trailer to a spigot, if there is one, a major pain. I
wanted the new system to do three things
1. Use pressurized potable shore water to fill tank and supply water directly, as normal.
2. Carry water to the trailer, using a 30-50 gallon tank in the truck. This water might not be potable,
and is not to infect potable water still in the trailer tank. If it was potable the trailer tank can be filled
from the truck tank.
3. Directly use non potable water pumped into the trailer from a nearby stream, lake, again without
infecting existing potable water in the trailer tank.

This means my 30 gallon trailer tank will be used only for drinking water, giving me more than a
months supply, whilst showers, washing up etc. can use the more available local water, I use the
trailer hot faucets for unclean water, the cold faucets for drinking water. The tankless heater will be
heating river water for the everlasting hot shower. The system uses two demand pumps in the trailer
and an ordinary pump in the truck for remote collection.

Well, I realise this is not for everyone, but for someone who likes to camp for long periods it solves
the big problem of drinking water. I also have a reverse osmosis water purifier which I would use to
make drinking water, pumped in from a cleaner river, stream, or reservoir.

The whole thing is mounted on a 12" x 36" board behind the right wheel well, under a single bed.

The pressure gauges are actually located over the kitchen sink. The r/o system runs off the 'cold'
outlet, and the water heater (obviously) after the 'hot' outlet.

Thought you might like to know what I've been doing this week!
