Subject: Re: [airstream] '99, 30W Excella Water Flow
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 21:20:07 -0500
From: "Rich Walbridge"

I am rebuilting a "56 Bubble and I would appreciate some opinion about using an internal pressure
regulator or whether I would be better off to use regulator on my hose end. Seems like I hear only negatives about internal regulators although perhaps contemporary ones are better then the older ones, say 20 years ago?


My '73 Excella 500 has a 40psi regulator all hard piped in; it is very adequate. The amount of water seems very good and I feel confident that the pipes are being protected with a little latitude. I can only assume the trailer was built with it, who knows?

When I am hooked up to a camp ground's water system, I utilize an 80psi hose regulator to protect the light duty hose on the reel within the trailer. (Some day, I will replace this 1/2" off-white, canvas type hose with something more substantial).

Talk about running into water problems. The little demand pump for the water system in the trailer wouldn't shut off automatically all the time when the faucets or the toilet would shut off. After almost condemning the pressure switch, I checked the little bowl with the sediment filter in it at the pump and found the bowl cover was loose. It must have been relieving some of the pressure and I didn't see it leaking either. I cleaned the filter/strainer and reseated it and snugged it good and tight and now the pump cycles just fine.
