Subject: Re: [airstream] '99, 30W Excella Water Flow
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:47:10 -0800
From: "Clark L. Messex"

Cast a suspicious look at the inlet water pressure regulator. They can suffer from freeze damage and never work right again. Low flow is a symptom.

27' '70

In my new 30W the water flow is very low in the kitchen and shower (both on
the the curb side). I have had it to the dealer and was told that it is >"working normally".
The water coming in, (running into a bucket from the open hose) delivers 1 gallon in 4 seconds before I connect it to the trailer inlet. I figured that to be 15 gallons per minute (GPM) available. The Moen kitchen faucet fills a 1 gallon bucket in 70 seconds, .85 GPM. The Moen shower fills the bucket in 76 seconds, .78 GPM. I seriously doubt that less than 1 GPM is normal when connected to a water supply. I am unable to contact Airstream due to he ice storm that they are experiencing. Moen told me that the kitchen faucet should deliver 2 GPM minimum.

If anyone on the list has a similar trailer, and wouldn't mind, tell me how long it takes to fill a 1 gallon container. I would really appreciate it. I told the dealer, i would rather fight with him and Airstream than my wife with soap in her hair that she can't rinse out.