Subject: Re: [airstream] '99, 30W Excella Water Flow
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 19:38:24 -0700
From: Charlie/Betty Burke
Reply-To: wrote:

In my new 30W the water flow is very low in the kitchen and shower (both on the curb side). I have had it to the dealer and was told that it is "working normally".  The water coming in, (running into a bucket from the open hose) delivers 1 gallon in 4 seconds before I connect it to the trailer inlet. I figured that to be 15 gallons per minute (GPM) available. The Moen kitchen faucet fills a 1 gallon bucket in 70 seconds, .85 GPM.  The Moen shower fills the bucket in 76 seconds, .78 GPM. I seriously doubt that less than 1 GPM is normal when connected to a water supply. I am unable to contact Airstream due to he ice storm that they are experiencing. Moen told me that the kitchen faucet should deliver 2 GPM minimum. If anyone on the list has a similar trailer, and wouldn't mind, tell me how long it takes to fill a 1 gallon container. I would really appreciate it. I told the dealer, i would rather fight with him and Airstream than my wife with soap in her hair that she can't rinse out.
What you describe is not "normal". One problem we frequently run into is plastic shavings in the plumbing that collect in the faucet screen. At each faucet, where the water comes out there should be a small, screwed on screen. Unscrew it and check for debris. Another possibility is if you are using a seperate water pressure regulator. You coach has one built in to it. Doubling up on them will act, sometimes, as a flow restriction. One last question. Is the water flow the same rate from either hot or cold? If the hot is slower you might check the water heater bypass valves to make sure they are fully open. If on the other hand the water flow in the shower is ok then the dealer needs to take another
