Subject: RE: [airstream] RE: Clearcoat coming off and Aluminum Bodys
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 21:02:31 -0600
From: "James Weston"

WE do not promote coatings period .What type of Stripper Did Cooper Video Tell you to use ?, Maybe you should contact him. He had his Bambi polished at P&S in Ohio in which HE said, "they polished it and sprayed the famous clear coat back on it" . I seen the Bambi at TIN CAN TOURIST last May, I
thought it looked like a new start had polished it, it had small swirls all over it the Cyclone Dual Head polisher had put on it. If one of my crew put a shine on a Airstream like that I would fire him! I know since you polished for the Navy you should know what Filiform Corrosion is , does your Airstream have it? What all of you out there in Airstream land must understand is in time the Filiform Bug is going to catch your trailer and eat it up . I have peeled this coating off several dozen Airstreams and it is sad. I think someone needs to be appointed to go to Thor and ask them if they know what The Filiform bug has and is doing to the Airstreams . Or is it get the check and off to happy hour !! Something very bad with this picture .

For those whom are new and have not seen the Filiform Article , I can re-post it.