Subject: Re: [airstream] Tankless water heater
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 99 18:13:39 -0700
From: Roy Lashway
Then I popped the question of price and was told that they cost $695. I told them that a price of $649 is being reported on the VAC.Airstream.Net discussion group list and was told to forward them the email and they will see what they can do!
Here is the email I received: Roy Lashway
Subject: Re: RV 500
Sent: 12/30/98 7:17 AM
Received: 12/30/98 2:03 PM
To: rlashway@NMSU.Edu

Mr. Lashway....

Thanks for your interest in the RV500, the "940 gallon hot water heater!".

Effective December 28, 1999 the price of the RV500 has been reduced from  $725 to just $649 including a new door. And, you will pay no sales taxes when ordering direct from the factory if you do not live in Ohio.

The door is available in unpainted aluminum to match your Airstream.

The RV500 is only slightly more expensive than the common tank type heater for RV's with comparable options. It will last years longer, use 30% less fuel and deliver more hot water than a 50 gallon home water heater!

The RV500 is constructed of a galvanized steel case on all sides with the exception of the access/air supply/ventilation door which is the outside surface. It is a zero clearance product and slides into the 13.5" x 14.5" opening.

Using a flush mount, the door is "flush" with the surface of the coach requiring a larger opening, filled with a trim ring. The surface mount unit simply lies on the top of the coach skin.

All specifications are on the web site. If I have not answered your  questions please give us a phone call or continue to communicate through the internet.
