Subject: RE: [airstream] Remodeling versus Remuddling
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 00:19:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Rick Davis

At 19:59 1/7/99 -0600, you wrote:

hey, were the original/vintage Airstreams Jim Westin bright? I find it hard to belive that they were. To each his/her own, I say. I'm in favor of both philosophies; original or individual.
Prior to plasticote ( 1964 or so)The Airstreams came into the world with shiny aluminum. If you ever have the opportunity to remove a running light or expose the backside of a panel where weather hasn't been able to get to it you will see that it is mirror bright.

My 54 owners manuals says you will never get it to look as good as new again.

Rick Davis 1602
54 Safari
69 Ambassador
70 Globetrotter
Amateur Radio K8DOC
NSS 14876