Subject: [airstream] How Long Does Airmark's Polish Job Last - Aviation Conversion Coating!
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:07:16 -0500
From: "James Weston"

Hey all, forgive me - Jim wanted me to include info about something in the last message - but I forgot! :-\ So I'll tell you now!! :)

We are promoting, Polish to a Bright Resolution and Sealed with a Polymer Sealer OR Polish to a Bright Resolution & applying an Aviation Conversion Coating.

The Conversion Coating - is UNLIKE the Clear/Plastic Coating that is currently being applied to Airstreams. The Conversion Coating has been & is being currently used in Aviation - (Commercial) and by NASA. The Conversion Coating does NOT promote, Filiform Corrosion because it BREATHES! And because it breathes, it won't crack, split, peel, etc., because it moves WITH the aluminum.

Unlike Clear/Plastic coatings - the Conversion Coating DOES NOT DIM - DULL - DIMINISH the shine AT ALL !! So once the Conversion coating in on - you still have a trailer that can pass what we call the: "DIRECT SUNSHINE TEST!"

Before applying the Conversion Coating - the trailer HAS to be EXACTLY as shiny as you want it - because once it's applied - that's it - there is NO turning back!!

I've done and had done, lots of testing on, Skin Repairs (Rivets, screws & fasteners - ALL AIRCRAFT HARDWARE'S)! The Conversion Coating is nothing but AWESOME! It's been tested and has held up even against Salt spray! No Shine/Luster Loss, or Distortion. Unless YOU seen it put on - You would have NEVER KNOWN it was there! It has the ULTIMATE UV Protectants!

Oh yea, aftercare maintenance? JUST keep her washed - (Dawn works great!) To Keep the high solids off, i.e., sap, bird droppings, etc., - That's it!!

NOW - For the Kicker - And I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH OF YOU IS THINKING - RIGHT THIS MINUTE! HOW MUCH!! (Am I good or what?!! - Now behave - watch out on the, "or what" - part!" )

Are you Sitting down?

There will NOT be an additional charge for Jim to apply the Conversion Coating PROVIDING he does it when he Polishes the Unit ! (Gotcha - NO LIE - Bet ya didn't expect THAT answer - did ya?!! :) )

There is ONE catch! - It HAS to be done INSIDE! (Ever TRY spraying paint on something OUTSIDE on a windy day - Forget about it - SAME principal .....aargh!!!)
