Subject: RE: [airstream] Quick fix for finish before winter?
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 21:05:41 -0500
From: "James Weston"

First, to be "Vintage" - Airstreams have to be 25 years old. Sounds like when you get ready to tow, it will be "Vintage"!

You ask, "What should I do to try and prevent the finish from deteriorating any further in the meantime?"

You need to Clean surface WELL, with an Aviation Degreaser. Then seal it with a Polymer (2 coats). We sell both. Probably take you 4 hours to do this whole procedure!

Filiform Corrosion Articles are ONLY addressing, WHAT it is and HOW to REMOVE it! Part 2 of the Articles is NOT instructions on how to Polish!!!!!

If you need text on how to Polish, I'll have Sharon send you some. But first - I need to know HOW you plan to polish? i.e., by hand, orbital, Cyclone (Oscillating dual headed orbital) or Polishing Wheels.

We are an Aviation Company, and do our very best to help our customers get the best finish possible, be it on Metal, Paint or Fiberglass.

ALL our products are Cert'd to: US Airforce, Boeing and ALCO (Aluminum Company of American) specifications. The testing is AWESOME! Each and every one of OUR products has to pass! (Not to mention, Certification of products is VERY expensive - to us!) You will NOT find our products at your local Auto Parts/Supply stores, Paint stores, Wal-Mart, etc. Most of the products they sell, are full of Silicone. A substance that is terribly bad on, metal, paint, etc., and CAN be DEADLY to the user! (Silicosis!) ANOTHER item you need to be aware of in this area is: AMMONIA and/or AMMONIA BASED products! Hint: Smell product before using. If it smells offensive, strong, acidic and the label does not tell you EXACTLY what's in it or they won't up an MSD (Material Safety Data Sheet) - DO NOT USE IT!! PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT and YOURSELF!!

Go to our web site and have a look-see at Aircraft, Cars, Harley's AND Airstreams (new pic joining these shortly), that we have polished. NOTICE: Forrest & Jeri Bones - Bambi II (VAC President). We Polished it LAST January, here in Oklahoma!

Met-All - It WAS an OKAY Polish - 30+ ago - but NOT NOW! Our SuperShine Polish and Green OX - ARE the KINGS! Just one (1) pound of SuperShine Polished - "Old Glory" - the B25 Bomber - shown on our web site. WINGS INCLUDED!!

Using Flour is okay - I guess. BUT here in the South - you could very possibly - Wake-up to a "Big Biscuit" with oxidation residue as a butter!! NOTE: We use our Polymer Sealer to remove residue.

The best to you Tom & ALL,
Jim Weston

WBCCI #2684 & VAC Member
1964 Safari Land Yacht
1965 Caravel
Classic Airstream Motor Home to join family soon!!
"Vintage" 1978 - 25th Anniversary Pace Car - Corvette ( / 375hp)
NOTE: I'll see if this Vet will pull this Caravel!!