Subject: RE: [airstream] silicon caulk remomal
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 17:14:26 -0600
From: "James Weston"

OKAY, OKAY!!! Got me! Must be the drugs for pain!!!! :-\

But - Doug IS correct! The key words he used are, MOST and Alodine! Alodine IS a heavy duty protectant for metal. That is the reason those boats, canoes, etc., without ANY type of coating look & feel so ruff and pitted - the salt water slowly EATS right on through the hulls! Make a boat or canoe out of aluminum this type and thinness & see how long it lasts setting in Salt Water!

Also, the Navy PAINTS the Warships! I was speaking of, bare raw Aluminum and salt water, salt water spray!

Funny you should mention about the alodine coating on boats in the Gulf. The coating that I am introducing, (Conversion Coating) is in the same family as the alodine is. I have seen the tests and it blows away ANY kind of clearcoat, Poly paints, enamels, lacquers and the plastic stuff! Plus, you only loose 10% of your resolution. With the plastic/clearcoat you loose somewhere around 30-40%, resolution, clarity and brightness. The problem being with this product, I HAVE to have an Enclosed area with no wind, no draft, etc., to spray it. So it's almost impossible to do, "Mobile!"

NOTE: It's been used in Aviation for over 5 years now. Track record is awesome. Shine job should last 5-7 years, with a couple of washes a year. Plus it is EASIER to apply and faster than the Polymers - we presently use. So the next time I go Deep Sea Fishing - is sure ISN'T gonna be on a BARE Aluminum boat!!!

Say, what do they do about the barnacles - Air Hammer?

Doug, I'll be down New Orleans way, as soon as I get to feeling better & get cut loose from the doctors! I have a few trailers in your neck of the woods, to Polish!

I'm outta commission for the time being - so I'M able to write, NOW!!! ;-)
