Subject: Re: [a/s] OIL-FLO 141
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 21:26:45 -0700
From: "Bill & Judy" <>
To: <>

Um... Jim. Our cactuses ARE 25 feet tall! Thay take 150 years to get
there, but they are called sajuaros. We get about 8 inches a year and right
now we are behind. Our rainy season is called "The Monsoon" and comes
around July 15th and ends aprox. Sept. 15th. We'll need to shine and seal
before then. I don't think the few drops that we might get between now and
then will hurt.
Are you telling us to wait for Mid-May to remove the Silicone? Are you
aware that we are already in the upper 80s (Temp.) right now? Have you any
idea what the top of the aluminum-wrapped baked potato will be like, heat
wise, when it's 100 ' F? So what do you have in the way of asbestos suits
over there?

Judy, VAC member,
Cave Creek, AZ . 1973 21' Land Yacht, '86 'Burb diesel 4x4

>Wait awhile please, Pick you a day in Arizona in Mid May
>when the heater sun is in Bake Mode . Would rather you did not re seal ,
>when we get done ______________ it, I shall seal and caulk it. WE always
>look at the skin while ----------------------, we have picked this up in
>Aviation to look see for trouble spots. BTW we use the West Marine
>LIFE-Calk Products. I figure we shall find the leak . It does not rain in
>Arizona does it ? if it did the Cactus would be 25 feet tall.
>Stain called etch white, it's a part of top aluminum core cleaning sometimes
>the skin turn hazy white when cleaning with harsh Chemicals. Know big deal,
>me chrome !