Subject: [a/s] OIL-FLO 141
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 17:18:25 -0600
From: "James Weston" <>
To: <>

Bill & Judy,

The stuff worked pretty good. Put it on with a Brush and take a 3 hour
Break. I hit it with or power washer at 1500 PSI , smoked it . It also
smoked the clear coat.

Small etches white stain after removal. I put a plastic scraper on another
section it pushed off, then I used the 141 on a rag and wiped the stuff off.
Do about 4X4 sections at a time. If I was you I would rent a gas powered
pressure washer with at least 1500 PSI. Thanks MIKE L. for the find. BTW
Mike used this product to remove Glue from floor in his Bambi . He said it
worked easy and fast with water clean up. Glad to help !